Reference books for UPSC civil services exam

Discover the best reference books for UPSC exam preparation and enhance your chances of success. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights and recommendations to help you choose the right study materials.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on reference books for UPSC exam preparation. Aspiring to crack the UPSC exam requires thorough and strategic preparation. While there are various resources available, reference books play a crucial role in building a strong foundation and gaining in-depth knowledge of the subjects.

Public administration Optional BooksAmazon link for quick buying
New Vishal [Public Administration PYQs Unsolved]Click here
Administrative thinkers [Parsad and Parsad]Click here
Indian Public Administration [RK Arora]Click here

In this blog, we will explore a carefully curated list of reference books that are highly recommended for UPSC aspirants. These books cover a wide range of subjects, including history, geography, polity, economics, current affairs, and more. Let’s dive in and discover the best resources to ace the UPSC exam!

  1. Subject-wise Reference Books:
    1.1 History:
  • “India’s Struggle for Independence” by Bipan Chandra
  • “History of Modern India” by Bipan Chandra
  • “India’s Ancient Past” by R.S. Sharma

1.2 Geography:

  • “Certificate Physical and Human Geography” by G.C. Leong
  • “Oxford School Atlas” by Oxford University Press
  • “Indian Polity” by M. Laxmikanth

1.3 Polity:

  • “Indian Polity” by M. Laxmikanth
  • “Introduction to the Constitution of India” by D.D. Basu
  • “Indian Economy” by Ramesh Singh

1.4 Economics:

  • “Indian Economy” by Ramesh Singh
  • “Indian Art and Culture” by Nitin Singhania
  • “Environment for Civil Services Prelims and Mains” by Shankar IAS Academy
  1. Current Affairs:
  • “The Hindu” newspaper (daily)
  • “Yojana” and “Kurukshetra” magazines (monthly)
  • “India Year Book” by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
  1. General Studies:
  • “General Studies Paper 1 Manual” by MHE
  • “General Studies Paper 2 Manual” by MHE
  • “General Studies Paper 3 Manual” by MHE
  1. Optional Subjects:
  • Choose optional subjects wisely based on your interests and strengths. Refer to previous year question papers and syllabus for guidance. Some popular optional subjects include history, geography, public administration, sociology, and political science.

Remember, it’s essential to go through the NCERT books for the relevant subjects as they provide a strong foundation and conceptual clarity.

Selecting the right reference books is a crucial step in your UPSC exam preparation journey. The books mentioned in this guide are highly recommended by experts and previous successful candidates. However, it’s important to remember that the choice of books may vary depending on individual preferences and study patterns.

Ensure you plan your study schedule efficiently, maintain consistency, and practice answer writing regularly. Combine your reference books with online resources, mock tests, and guidance from experienced mentors to maximize your chances of success in the UPSC exam.

Best of luck with your preparation!

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