3 Years course after class 12

Target Audience: Students who have completed their Class 12th exams and aspire to join the Indian Civil Services.

Course fee: 2,00,000/-

Course Overview:

The Comprehensive UPSC Civil Services Examination Preparation Program is a meticulously designed three-year course aimed at providing aspiring civil servants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to succeed in the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination. This program offers an integrated approach to mastering the vast syllabus and intricate requirements of the examination, ensuring students are well-prepared to achieve their goal of joining the prestigious Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and other central services.

Year 1: Foundation Building

Objective: Lay a strong foundation in essential subjects and develop a deep understanding of basic concepts.

* Subjects Covered:

   General Studies:

    * History of India and Indian National Movement

    * Indian Polity and Governance

    * Economic and Social Development

    * General Science

    * Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change

  * Aptitude and Reasoning:

    * Quantitative Aptitude

    * Logical Reasoning

    * Data Interpretation

  * Basic Communication Skills:

    * English Language Proficiency

    * Regional Language Proficiency

* Activities:

  * Regular assessments and quizzes

  * Foundation workshops and seminars

  * Interaction with civil servants and experts

Year 2: Advanced Knowledge Acquisition

Objective: Enhance subject knowledge and analytical skills, focusing on the detailed syllabus of the Preliminary and Main examinations.

* Subjects Covered:

  * General Studies (Advanced):

    * Indian and World Geography

    * Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations

    * Economic Development, Technology, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security, and Disaster Management

  * Optional Subject Preparation: Public Administration

  * Current Affairs:

    * In-depth analysis of national and international events

    * Monthly current affairs magazines and sessions

* Activities:

  * Mock tests simulating Prelims and Mains exams

  * Essay writing and answer writing practice

  * Group discussions and debates

Year 3: Intensive Revision and Test Series

Objective: Focus on revision, practice, and fine-tuning exam strategies to ensure peak performance during the examination.

Subjects Covered:

  * Integrated Revision Sessions:

    * Comprehensive revision of all General Studies papers and optional subjects

  * Special Focus Areas:

    * Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude (GS Paper IV)

    * Case studies and scenario-based problem solving

  * Interview Preparation:

    * Personality Development

    * Mock Interviews with feedback from experts

* Activities:

  * Rigorous test series for Prelims and Mains

  * Regular writing practice for all Mains papers

  * Intensive workshops and boot camps

  * One-on-one mentorship and guidance

Additional Features:

* Experienced Faculty: Learn from seasoned educators, subject matter experts, and retired civil servants.

* Resource Materials: Access to a rich library of books, journals, and digital resources tailored for UPSC preparation.

* Technology Integration: Use of e-learning platforms for supplementary learning, online tests, and virtual doubt-clearing sessions.

* Support System: Regular counselling and motivational sessions to keep students focused and mentally resilient.

Outcome: By the end of this three-year program, students will have developed a robust understanding of the UPSC syllabus, honed their analytical and writing skills, and gained the confidence and competence to excel in the UPSC Civil Services Examination. This comprehensive preparation will significantly enhance their chances of securing a coveted position in the Indian Civil Services.

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